The school does not make a profit from this wrap around care provision, we see it as a way to support busy parents who can be confident that their child/children are safe and cared for whilst they are at work. These extra sessions are chargeable and are only offered during term time to children who attend Tansley Primary School.
Our Breakfast club and after school clubs primarily run from the school hall or Elders classroom, but we sometimes also utilize the school’s outdoor areas. The clubs are run by school staff so your child will be cared for by familiar faces. Children should be dropped off and collected at the car park entrance at the back of school.
Our after school clubs provide care from the end of the school until 5pm. Breakfast club opens from 8am until the start of the school day and presently mainly operates out of the school hall. This can be accessed via the large gate at the back of the school car park and walking around to the school hall door.
Both clubs offer a calm environment where children can engage in a range of activities. They have time to sit, eat and play with their friends. Indoor activities on offer include: board games, colouring, puzzles, art, reading, craft, computers, construction and some ‘small world’ toys. Outdoor activities include the use of the schools outdoor playtime equipment, gardening or games such as football.
Breakfast and snacks provided at the clubs are healthy choices and nutritious. Breakfast is served from 8.00am when the club opens and a snack is given after school to keep them going until teatime. Choices will vary depending on numbers attending the sessions and the day.
The clubs can be booked via the school office before 3pm Monday to Thursday and before 12pm on a Friday on 01629 582448. Sessions must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.
All ad hoc booking will be charged at an additional 50p per session.
Treehouse closes at 5pm. Collection between 5pm and 5.30pm must be a last resort and arranged with the Treehouse and Office staff with a weeks notice, so that staffing can be arranged. The club is not registered past 5.30pm. Therefore this is the very latest you can pick up your child/ren, any late collections will be charged at £30 per 30 minutes from this time.
Please ensure that your account is up to date by the end of each month. Bookings will only be taken if your account is clear. Please note that prompt payment allows us to pay the people that look after your child/ren. Invoices are sent out at the end of the month. We request payment within seven days of you receiving the invoice. If you have any difficultly paying the invoice then please come to talk to us so that we can arrange re-payments over a period of time. If we do not receive payment within seven days we will contact you. Invoices that are not payed in full or on time will include a £10 late payment fee. At this stage we will also reserve the right to no longer provide childcare for your child/ren.
Below is a list of the clubs which we will be offering. As a school we are committed to providing our children with a broad and balanced education. We believe the provision of extra-curricular activities plays an important role in promoting personal, social and health education as well as providing an opportunity for children to develop new skills and talents.
Sports Club
Booster sessions for Year 6
The role of Treehouse is to compliment what your child is learning at school and not to reproduce it. This will be done through play and not formal teaching and learning as we appreciate that parents want their children to come to us to play and not continue their school day. As a part of this process we will share information with school to help support the personal, social and emotional development of your child.
We create an environment where children feel safe, build trust and supportive relationships between families and staff. All staff and volunteers have been vetted through the employment processes of Tansley Primary School. This includes an enhanced disclosure check, references, interview, observations, induction and appraisals.
All staff regularly complete safeguarding training to keep themselves up to date with relevant issues and legislation. As such staff understand that child abuse can be physical, emotional, sexual, neglect or a mixture of these. Changes in a child’s behaviour and appearance will be monitored and reported to the schools Designated Safeguarding Lead. A concern note and records will be completed and kept on Myconcerns.
Parents/carers will usually be the first point of reference where there are any concerns about the child or there is a safeguarding issue. The protection of the child is our first priority and we will pass on appropriate information to Social Care. If an allegation is made we will automatically pass on information to Social Care. Please see the Child Protection Policy for further information, on the school website.
We have a strict mobile phone policy in school and personal phones are not permitted under any circumstances. If your child has a mobile phone with them they will be asked to store this in a safe place until they are collected. If you need to contact your child while they are at the club please call school. Please do not allow your child to attend the club with personal electronic devices such as iPad, PSP’setc. They stop the children from interacting with other children and we cannot take responsibility for them.
We believe that Treehouse should be open to all children, families, and all other adults committed to children’s welfare. We aim to ensure that all who wish to work in or volunteer to help in our setting have equal opportunity and chance to do so. Our aim is to show respectful awareness of all the major events in the lives of the children and families in our care, and in our society as a whole, and to welcome the diversity of backgrounds from which people come. Without indoctrination of a specific faith children will be encouraged to welcome a range of different festivals together with stories, celebrations, food and clothing they involve, as part of the diversity of life. All children will be respected and their individuality and potential recognised, valued and nurtured. Activities and the use of play equipment offer children opportunities to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination.
At Treehouse we strive to make all children and their parents feel welcome and happy. All children, will be respected and their individuality and potential recognized, valued and nurtured. We aim to support children with additional needs and work with parents and professionals and other agencies.
Treehouse aims to be fully inclusive and adhere fully to school and current guidelines and legislation. If a child has additional needs then those needs will be discussed with parent(s) and a special care plan put into action. This will include staff training needs, strategies to be put into place and any additional support from the local authority, school and/or other agencies.
Information on an individual child will be kept in the child’s folder. The key person will share information with the parent and then appropriate information with childcare professionals and also staff. In an extreme case the key person can share information with an appropriate agency e.g. child protection.
Staff will not discuss the matters of a confidential nature outside of Treehouse and only amongst themselves if absolutely necessary. Private lives of staff and parents should be kept private.
We believe that children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everybody knows what is expected of them and ask that parents support us in this. Children are then free to develop their play and learning with the feeling they are secure and safe. We encourage children to develop self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
Any behavioural issues will be discussed with parents and a joint approach to tackling any problem will be developed.
As part of the Working Tax Credit scheme most working parents qualify for extra help towards the costs of childcare. If you do qualify, the total amount of help you receive will depend on your income but can be as much as 80%.
We can only administer prescribe medicines for a recognized condition. We can only administer non-prescription medication for the relief of pain. A medical consent form must be signed by a parent/carer, giving full instructions of what the medication is for, how it is to be administrated and the time. Please refer to the schools Administrations of Medicines Policy on the school website.
In order to effectively look after the children we care for it is important that we hold and retain certain information about them as well as their parents/carers. Please note that we would only share information with third parties where there is a legal requirement to do so i.e. in the case of a child protection issue.
The type of information we hold includes the child’s name, date of birth, home address, dietary requirements, attendance information, emergency contacts, accident and incident forms.
The type of information we hold about parents includes their name, home address, telephone numbers and personal email address.
Information will be retained in accordance with the schools record retention policy, a copy of which can be found on the GDPR page of the school website.
If you have a general comment to make then you can talk to a member of staff in charge at that particular time. If you would like to make a formal complaint this can be done by contacting Tansley Primary’s Head teacher, Mrs S Barker c/o Tansley Primary School, Gold Hill, Tansley, Derbyshire De4 5FG or via email at
Also, you can contact the Chair of Governors, Mrs J Holt, via the same address or via
A copy of the school complaints policy can be located on the school website.
We will
What we expect from you