
Tansley Primary School

Learn, Lead, Achieve, Together We Succeed

Role Play Areas

I am going to use this page to add photos of all the exciting role play areas we set up throughout the year in Oaks. We started the year with a Tansley Doctors Surgery to fit with our topic of 'Myself' followed by a Fire Station plus a kitchen/dining room home corner to fit with our topic of 'Light, Fire and Festivals'! For several weeks leading up to Christmas we had a Santa's grotto role play area full of toys to wrap up and dressing up clothes so the children could turn themselves into toys! As well as a post office full of Christmas cards and letters to write. In Spring term 1 we had an exloration area linked to our unit on dinosaurs. The children travelled back in time to go on a dinosaur hunt!


The children always enjoy dressing up! We are so lucky to have a fantastic clothes rail full of wonderful costumes and we have amazing parents and carers who often donate more dressing up outfits to join our collection!

Summer Term 1 - a garden centre

Spring Term 2 - Space Exploration!

The children are excited to be learning all about the planets and outer space. They are having great fun using their imaginations to think about and describe the different planets and aliens they have met on a journey into outer space!

They can keep a log of what they discovered on their journey including shooting stars, comets, planets and aliens! I wonder where they will travel to this week?

Dinosaur Watch!

Santa's Grotto, Elf Workshop and Post Office!

Oaks Fire Station and Fire Engine

We have two new role play areas to explore this half term.


We have a Tansley Fire Station/fire engine! They have firefighter uniforms to wear, fire hoses and ladders (to save those naughty cats who get stuck up in a tree!). They can log the details of each fire and rescue they attend as well as record on maps the route they need to go to each emergency.


Our second role play area is a kitchen/dining room home corner. The children will be learning about different festivals through-out this half term, we thought it would be fun for children to make some special meals for one another and talk about the different celebrations they have at home, and what they would eat during special meals. They will be able to record their menus and add messgaes to an Oaks class pin board.


I am sure the children will come up with lots of their own ideas for play too! I can't wait to be a guest at an Oaks class dinner party!

Tansley Doctors Surgery

Click on the link below to see some of the other role play areas we have had in our classroom.