
Tansley Primary School

Learn, Lead, Achieve, Together We Succeed






We are committed to a letting various parts of the school premises (e.g. Hall, classrooms, field) and to maximise the income received from these lettings for the benefit of the school and its pupils.



We aim to:


  • Generate additional income to school for the benefit of its children.


  • Allow lettings to three main categories 1) Educational use 2) Community use 3) Commercial use


  • Ensure that there are clear ‘Conditions of Hire’ and ‘Scale of Charges’


  • Ensure that the insurance and Health and Safety requirements of lettings are met in full.



The Governing Body has adopted a policy whereby:


  • The use of the premises for school functions will take priority over lettings.


  • The Governing Body reserves the right to waver the charges if the function is of benefit to the children of the school.


  • The Governing Body will set charges for lettings guided by these principles:


  1. Lettings to bona fide community groups will be charges at discounted rates to cover caretaking, energy, wear and tear and administration.
  2. Lettings to all other hirers will be charged at cost plus a profit margin determined by the Governing Body, within the scale of charges shown at the end of this document.


  • The school will retain income derived from lettings, and costs to the school of lettings will be met from this income.
  • The school premises will not be let to individuals or organisations if there is reason to believe that the name of the school will be brought into disrepute.
  • The school will not be let for functions where a Public Entertainment Licence is required.
  • Decisions whether to permit lettings will be made by the Governing Body if the Head teacher believes a letting should not be permitted he/she will report the reasons to the Governing Body.
  • All persons hiring the school premises will be expected to conform to the relevant Health and Safety regulations.
  • There will be an annual review of lettings charges in September.