
Tansley Primary School

Learn, Lead, Achieve, Together We Succeed

Our Class Tree

During the year our class tree 'grows' lots of exciting things!

Who has ever heard of a t-rex that can climb a tree?!


This term the children have made some dinosaurs to put in our class tree. In PSHE we talked about our hopes and dreams for this year. We discussed things we would like to get better at, things we find tricky and how we can get better at things we find difficult.


We also talked about things we would LOVE to be able to do that isn't possible at this point in our lives but maybe one day! Such as going into outer space, being able to drive a helicopter or swimming with dolphins. We also talked about things that can never happen such as tyrannosaurus rex climbing trees or for us to grow wings and fly!

During the winter term we have some very wonderful, friendly, winter owls sitting in our class tree. The children have used these friendly owls to talk about sharing branches, this led to lots of discussions about how and why we share in our lives too.

Our Winter Owls

During the first half term our tree had lots of autumn leaves falling from it. The children worked hard in class learning how to write their names using cursive handwriting. They wrote their name on each leaf.  It looked so beautiful and definitely made it feel like autumn had arrived at Tansley!
Click on the link below to see some of the other things that have 'grown' on our tree since I painted it in April last year!