Aim to read every day for about 20 mins. You should a try to read to an adult at least 2-3 times a week. In KS2, when children are more able of decoding, comprehension skills need to be built upon and developed. Parents/ Carers can use the prompt sheets/ question stems to support their child in this.
Please use the link below and select the year group of your child. See the Weekly Spelling Homework Sheet and select the current week form the overview. Your child will be tested on these on Fridays. Please pay particular attention to the words in pink. These are off the Statutory Spelling Lists for your child's age, and are the basis for testing spellings for formal assessments throughout the year. We also give frequent practise of these words and the common exception words. These are the words that children of this age should be able to spell in their everyday work. Try to cover these words regularly at home ( 5-10 a week) plus the Weekly Spellings. Aim for 10 -15 mins per night.
Practise the times tables that have been set (10-15 min a day). Timetables are tested for the times table being practised on Fridays. A score of 38 + out of 40, will be needed to progress to the next times table. Every few times tables a mixture is offered to ensure that the children are retaining the timetables that they have already learnt.