
Tansley Primary School

Learn, Lead, Achieve, Together We Succeed





Welcome to Oak's class page. Here you will find information about our current topics, homework and website links. 


Our topic this half term is How Does Your Garden Grow? You will find knowledge organisers and the homework grid under the Summer tab for this terms topics. 


Reading in Oak class

We are always working hard on our reading and comprehension skills in Oak class. We love reading a variety of books and texts throughout the year. You can help your child's reading progression by reading the given reading book at least 4 times a week. Children who complete this amount of reading each week will receive a reading prize from the Oak class treasure chest. Diaries will be stamped each week to confirm your child has read that week. Reading diaries will be checked every Monday. 



Children will be having their P.E. lesson on a Monday afternoon. They will need to come to school in their P.E. kits on this day. P.E. kit should consist of black shorts or joggers depending on the weather, and a red shirt or jumper. Children can wear trainers of their choice for P.E. The do not need to bring their uniform to change into on P.E. days.



Year 1 children will be given spellings every Friday. They will be tested on these the following Friday. Your child's spellings will be inside their reading diary and they will be available under the homework tab in the appropriate term.


Welly Wednesday

Our first Welly Wednesday will take place on Wednesday 17th April. Welly Wednesday will happen every other Wednesday throughout the year. Children will need to come to school dressed for outdoor learning, including a suitable coat; wellies or footwear you do not mind getting muddy; hat and gloves as the weather gets colder. Children will need to bring their uniform to school with them to get changed into after their outdoor learning session. It is always advisable to provide a spare pair of underwear and socks as children will find the wettest and muddiest parts of the outdoor area! 


We have a fun, interesting and enriching year ahead of us in Oak class and I cannot wait to get started!

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