
Tansley Primary School

Learn, Lead, Achieve, Together We Succeed


Welcome to Oaks


On this page you will find lots of information about what we will be learning in Oaks Class. In Oaks class we will be learning lots of exciting things. Please feel free to look at our Long Term Planning document below, this shows you the topics and themes we will be following throughout the year.


During Summer Term 2 the children in Oaks are learning about Dragons, Castles and Knights and also about Summer safety. 

Please find our curriculum letter showing some of the things we will be learning about in this topic.


Also below is the homework activity sheet for Year Ones for this half term. The homework sharing day will be on the last Wednesday before half term.

Curriculum Letter Dragons, Castles and Knights

Year 1 Summer 2 Homework

Year Ones Summer Term 1 Lifecycles Homework

Curriculum Letter Summer Term 1 Lifecycles

Curriculum Letter Spring Term Two

Spring Term Two Yr1 Homework

Curriculum letter Spring Term One

Spring Term One Homework YR1

Our Nativity

Curriculum Letter Autumn Term Two

Autumn Term Two Homework YR 1

Curriculum Letter Autumn Term One

Year One Information Booklet

Homework Autumn Term One

Within Oaks class we have the Reception children and Year 1. Click on the link below to find out more about our Early Years Foundation Stage at Tansley Primary School.

PE is on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon . Please make sure PE kits are in school on those days every week.


A reminder that children need to have indoor PE pumps as well as outdoor PE trainers and that all school uniform is clearly named.

Click on the link below to see the Year One spelling words for the year.

Spelling words for EYFS and Year One

Phonics Sound mats

Oaks class love doing our daily DOUGH DISCO! Dough disco is exercise for the fingers to improve fine muscle control.  It is a five minute session working with the children on building up muscles in their fingers and hands so that they have the strength and flexibility to confidently pick up mark making tools and pencils. It is good before long writing tasks as a warm-up but essential every day exercise for foundation stage.

Below are the Long Term Planning documents for EYFS and KS1 outlining the topics we will be teaching throughout 2017-2018. This document is a work in progress, We are continually updating and changing our ideas based on the children's interests. 

Long Term Plan Oaks

If you would like more information about the curriculum we offer at Tansley, click on the link below. In Mathematics and Literacy you will find some more guidance on how you can support your children at home.
Below you can see lots of photos of us throughout the year.

Looking after Tadpoles

Homework Sharing Day - Machines

Water Wall

Our wonderful water wall was made and donated by Reception Parents. Here are some photos of our children using it for the first time. 

Christmas Term

We are really enjoying learning about Christmas in Oaks Class. We have been reading Christmas stories, getting our lists ready for Santa and even learning about how Christmas is celebrated in other Countries. The children have enjoyed the continuous provision making Christmas decorations and designing and building stables and grottos.

Here are some photos of the fun we have in Oaks class.

Homework sharing day Autumn Term Two

Thank you so much for all the parental support with homework sharing day. We really enjoyed sharing all of the wonderful things the children brought in.

1st December 2016

Writing Letters to Santa.

Today was a very exciting day we all wrote letters to Santa and then went to the post-box to post them. The children are now waiting for their reply to come to their house. Please come into class to see some of the children's letters displayed.

Here are some pictures of our morning.

Nativity 2016.

Oaks Class performed their Nativity for parents on the 8th of December. They did a fantastic job learning their lines and songs here are some photos of us rehearsing. 

Children in Need Pudsey Day
Click on the link below to see all the photos from last academic year as well as new photos from this year. I will be updating this page regularly to show you some of the great things we do in Oaks!

Here are some fun links to games you can play! Let us know if you have any more ideas for games we can add to our class page.

Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.

Don't forget to explore the rest of our Tansley Primary School website to find lots more exciting games to play.

Click on the link below to go to the page on Times Tables which is full of games and activities to print out and complete at home.
