
Tansley Primary School

Learn, Lead, Achieve, Together We Succeed


Hello Elms Class!


I hope you had a super break and are ready for an exciting term summer ahead!


Our topic for this half term is 'Is Water Everlasting?'.


In our literacy lessons, we will be focusing on the text 'Once Upon a Raindrop' by James Carter, which we will use to inspire us to write our own poetry. 

Within this topic, we will be learning about the process of the water cycle and will be using the text 'The Drop Goes Plop' by Sam Godwin to support us.





At Tansley Primary School, we expect children to read to an adult at least 4 times a week - please record when you have read with your child in their reading record, this includes any school reading books, library books and books from home. Children with 4 comments in their reading record will receive a raffle ticket and be entered into the Tansley Reading Raffle, which is drawn every half term, for a chance to win a prize!



This year we will be using SpellingShed to help the children learn their spellings in an exciting way. Children are asked to practice their spellings at home in preparation for weekly spelling tests which take place on a Thursday morning. Your child will receive a paper copy of their spellings each week, which will be stuck into their reading record. Parents are welcome to use the paper copy of the spellings to support their child practice their weekly spellings, but we ask that children long into the Spelling Shed website twice weekly. Please go to the Summer term tab at the bottom of the page and follow the link to the homework page for more information on Spelling Shed. 


Times Tables

Children should also access both Times Table Rockstars and Numberbots for a minimum of 15 minutes a week to practice their times tables (their login details can be found in the back of their reading records). A weekly times table check is completed in class on a Monday, in which the children have 5 minutes to answer 40 questions on the times table that they have been set. Having secure times tables knowledge is key as it assists children's fluency in all areas of mathematics. By the end of year 2, children are expected to know their 10, 2 & 5 times tables. By the end of Year 3, children are expected to know their 10, 2, 5, 3, 4 & 8 times tables.


Click the link below to find out more about TTRS and how it can support your child's learning: 

Video Link: What is Times Tables Rock Stars? Parents and Carers Guide



At Tansley we expect children to complete compulsory homework which includes: reading 4x a week, spelling shed practice twice a week, TTRS and NumBots practice for a minimum of 15 minutes each per week.

A homework grid is also provided, which children can choose tasks to complete. This is non-compulsory homework. We do not expect children to complete all tasks on the grid. 


Please find homework, knowledge organisers and other information you will need for this term in the Summer tab below.


If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me at the following school email address:


Miss Longden


