
Tansley Primary School

Learn, Lead, Achieve, Together We Succeed

Friends Of Tansley School

Welcome to the Friends of Tansley School section.

FOTS Update 2021/22


Thanks to the support of parents, pupils, staff and the community, FOTS raised over £3000 in the last year, with events such as:


  • Bauble competition - £43.50

  • Movie night - £103.22

  • Hot chocolate stall - £81.76

  • Disco - £182.69

  • Jubilee celebration - £672.55

  • Scarecrow trail - £716.64

  • Christmas raffle - £591.58

  • Santa trail - £190.55


With some of the money raised, the school have been able to buy three new ipads for the children to use in school!


FOTS has also had a change in committee for 2022 - 2023. Come and say hi, or pop us a message!


Donna Key Smith - Co-chair

Kat Frost - Co-chair

Helen Pearson - Co-chair

Liz Allkins - Treasurer

Molly Gorman – Secretary


Upcoming Events



1st - Christmas bauble competition (£1 entry). Please ensure your child’s name is on the bauble and bring into class at the start of the day ready for judging. There will also be hot chocolate, mulled wine and sweet treats for sale after school.


6th - Fashion show and sale and raffle at the White Hart Inn - £5 per ticket, £1 raffle ticket (tickets from school office).


16th - Hot chocolate, mulled wine and sweet treats for sale after the Oaks class nativity play at 3pm


FOTS Update 2020/21


Thanks to the support of parents, pupils, staff and the community we raised an amazing £3127!


Despite all of the difficulties due to the Covid-19 Pandemic we were still able to organise a few events and raise a fantastic amount for school :


  • Scary Hair Day (£66.75)
  • Christmas Bauble Sale (£42.51)
  • Online Christmas Panto Afternoon (£58.00)
  • Christmas Sponsored Event and Trail (£1275.90)
  • Scarecrow Trail (£1229.99)
  • Easyfundraising and Amazon Smile (£454.69)


Last year we were able to fund some IT equipment, make some playground improvements as well as buy a portable stage kit for use in the school hall for plays and events. We also fund the usual class Christmas presents and book bags for children starting in reception:

  • 3 x Visualisers (£536.46)
  • Wooden Teepee and Outdoor Games (£249.96)
  • Portable Stage Kit (£2299.05)

Easy Fundraising


Last year we raised £493 through easyfundraising! Help raise funds whenever you shop online. Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,300 big name retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis and ASOS – when you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Tansley Primary School every time, it’s that easy!

It’s easy to sign up and it turns your online purchases into free donations for us, at no extra cost to you.

Since we signed up, we have raised over £2000 in total!

Amazon Smile

Shop through AmazonSmile and raise money for ‘Friends of Tansley School’. Register with AmazonSmile and every time you make eligible purchases Amazon will donate 0.5% to ‘Friends of Tansley School’. It’s easy to sign up, doesn’t cost you anything, the prices are the same and the donated money will directly benefit our children.


How to set it up:

    1. Go to

    2. Login using your existing Amazon account or register for an account if you don’t already have one.

    3. Under ‘Start picking your chosen charity’, search ‘Friends of Tansley School’. Click ‘select’ and you’re done!

    4. You should receive an email confirming your AmazonSmile registration.

    5. Remember to buy your purchases through not through the regular amazon site. If you select a product it will tell you if it’s eligible for an AmazonSmile donation.
