Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS)
Times Table Rock Stars / Numbots, should be played approximately 2-3 times a week by Year 4 pupils. The basic number skills are the backbone of Mathematical learning. In year Y4 the National Expectation is that all children know times tables to 12 x 12., which is checked by the Multiplication Test Check (MTC), a test that is administered at the end of year 4 (around beginning of June). These skills then need to be maintained for the quick recall to make good progress in Years 5 and 6 and is a lifelong skill.
What is Times Tables Rock Stars? Parents and Carers Guide - YouTube
Parents Guide fir MTC https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/
Numbots develops number bonds and should ideally be achieved by Year 2, however quick recall of number facts and skills need to be maintained, otherwise the progression of more sophisticated mathematics is hindered and pupils make slower progress.
Children can use their TTRS login to access the Numbots site.