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Welcome to Super Sycamores Class


Hello I am Mrs. Holloway, and I am the Class Teacher for Sycamores (Year 5).  I teach the children Tuesday-Friday.   On Mondays, they are taught by Miss Hampson, and on Tuesday afternoons, children will be having outdoor/enrichment learning, to cover my non-teaching time. 

Welcome Back to a New Year Sycamores!

I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and a great start to the New Year in 2025.

We continue with exciting times ahead this year as we join together with Lea and Wessington schools.

"Let's get ready to be wise in Year 5"

Below you will find important information for the whole year of 2024/25. 

For information about a specific term, please use the sidebar and select the relevant term.


This term we are learning about... 


                                            Space: Earth, Sun and Moon                                                  Ancient Egyptians




Weekly spellings and learning activities can be found on Spelling Shed. Logins and password details are located in the reading diary.  We would ideally like children to practise at least twice at home but welcome additional practise beyond this.  We will be testing on Thursday mornings, where children will be taught spelling rules, and the new spellings for the next week will be issued. In addition to weekly spellings, children will very much benefit from learning the words from their Statutory words. See the links below. 

Additional Spellings 

Statutory Spelling List Words which children need to learn how to spell for their age.

Common Exception words (CEWs) Words that are tricky to spell with phonics/spelling rule.


Our times-table test is on THURSDAYS on the multiplication table that each child is currently working on. Please support practise of both multiplication and division facts.

To support children's rapid recall, please use Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) regularly.  Your child's login details can be found in their reading diary.  Children that use TTRS regularly are more confident and have quicker recall of times-tables. In Year 5, if children have passed all the times-table to 12 X 12, please practise regularly by playing Studio (to improve their rock status) and Garage to practise for weekly times table tests. This will keep their skills sharp! (15 mins per week)

What is Times Tables Rock Stars? Parents and Carers Guide - YouTube


This program is to support basic number skills which are the foundations of mathematical learning, and are built upon as children progress through the school. The login is the same as TTRS (see info above). Most Year 5 children should have ideally completed, by at this stage. However, for those children still needing to complete this, please spend 15 mins per week (this can be broken into sessions of 5-10 mins).  Please ensure children work on the program independently in the sessions.  If they are struggling, offer support after the session has finished.  It is common for children to make 6 + attempts to complete levels, but if you think they are struggling, or are unsure of how to help, please see the information under the Maths section under the curriculum tab, or come and speak to me.


It is expected that children read at least 4 times a week.  This can be both to adults and/or independently with parents' checking their understanding by asking comprehension questions. Please remember to sign the green reading diary with comments about how your child read/answered questions.  Children need to bring their reading diary and book every day. Children are allowed to change their book independently once they have completed it (or at the teacher's discretion).

To support children's comprehension, here at Tansley we use VIPERs.   These are to help support and develop the areas of comprehension skills by providing parents with question stems you can use with most reading books. Follow the links below and find the VIPER section under reading.

You may even find it useful to search online for your child's book title along with comprehension questions,  you can sometimes download free questions, which provide the answers. 

Tuesday afternoon

Week 1 - Forest School
Week 2 - P.E.
Week 3 - Curriculum Enrichment
Week 4 - P.E


Children will be having their P.E. lesson on a Tuesday afternoon and will need to come to school in their P.E kit on this day. P.E kit is trainers, black shorts or joggers (depending on the weather) and a red shirt (no football shirts or hoodies). Children should bring a red/ black jumper if needed. Jewelry will need to be removed for health and safety reasons, so it is better if removed at home if possible. If not, it must be covered by medical tape by the child /  before coming to school.

Forest School

Children come to school in layers of comfortable clothing  (rules concerning jewelry as P.E) a coat and waterproof where possible, including footwear.

Curriculum Enrichment

Children attend in school uniform

Remember to be prepared for the weather at various times of year.  Remember hats and gloves in the cold weather and sun hats and sun-cream in the summer. Any which way, children should always have a COAT.

Water bottles need to be named, non-breakable, not leak, and be filled with water.  Please ensure they get a hot wash every week to prevent any nasties getting into tums.

If there are any other questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact me at:

Mrs. Angela Holloway