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Please log on to Spelling Shed to complete the activities set for this week. Login details can be found in the front cover of the reading diary.  There is a paper copy of the weekly spellings stuck into reading diaries.

Please come to see us and we will try to help overcome any difficulties which you may be experiencing.  Please note that we are still learning our way around the site too, so if we can't help you, we will endeavor to  get in touch with Spelling Bee for support.

Year 3/4 Spelling List

As well as the weekly spellings from their spelling group through Spelling Bee, children are also expected to learn spellings from the Statutory Spelling list for Year 3 and 4.  In Sycamores we aim to practise around 10 + a week (at random) as well as providing opportunities to use word mats during writing activities.  Please help your child to learn these as they are words that are expected to be known off by heart.  However, pupils may still be working on the previous list for year 1 and 2, and these should me mastered first and frequently revisited.  Please see below for both documents. If you have any questions regarding this, please get in touch.