At Tansley School, we recognise the importance of teaching our children to spell accurately. Children who can spell feel confident and are able to write with enjoyment. We want our children to be equipped with a range of strategies for learning spelling and to be able to apply their strategies when spelling words in their independent writing. We encourage our children to enjoy exploring and investigating the patterns and contradictions of the English language and to take delight in what they discover. To support us to do this, we have signed up to Spelling Shed for children in Years 2 – 6. Spelling Shed is a game-based tool that can be used at home to boost children’s confidence in spelling. Children enjoy playing the games and practise their spellings in a fun, interactive way. This happens after a spelling lesson which introduces one spelling rule per week for the stage your child is working on. Each week a set of words is provided, these words are examples of the spelling pattern. For example, the words contain the letter string ‘ch’ which is pronounced /sh/.
Spelling Shed focusses on the spelling level your child is working on, but year group spelling lists will still be taught and practised through English lessons and other areas of the curriculum.
Grammar is taught in KS1 and KS2 during the teaching sequences for the different genres of writing. Once an aspect of grammar is taught, it is then modelled through shared writing before being included in the success criteria or writing toolkit for use in independent writing. Any discrete teaching of grammar is used in context through writing.