Recovery Curriculum
Recovery Curriculum
On this page you will find our adapted curriculum for the next phase of our school as we welcome back all pupils in September. This our recovery curriculum, which acknowledges that there have been big losses to children as they have stayed at home. The focus for schools in the autumn will be upon ensuring that pupils are ready to learn and as such social and emotional learning will be prioritised. The act of recovery is at least as much an emotional and social one as it is academic, and our ability to recognise and plan for this will be at the heart of our learners’ eventual success.
Academic Recovery Curriculum
These have been divided into 3 main groups, we will continue to use knowledge organisers to support the children:
- Non-negotiable key concepts, knowledge and skills all pupils need to understand and will be taught before starting a new concept.
- Deeper concepts and knowledge we’d like pupils to learn but these are taught at a later date or covered again within the key stage
- Concepts that are not essential and aren't necessary for a good level of understanding. These will be covered in a variety of ways, which included: home learning projects, reading text and writing or through cross curriculum links.
Wellbeing is at the forefront of our recovery from the Covid-19 crisis. Every child in our school has had a different experience during this time and as a school we have prioritised what the children will need on their return to school.
During the first term, every year group will hold well-being sessions where all aspects of our PSHE scheme will be taught alongside well-being. The aim is to provide children with strategies to support them with their physical and mental wellbeing. We introduce methods that encourage socialising, movement, learning and engaging in tasks. Every child is different and so we use a range of resources to enable them to use what benefits them the most.
Expanding wellbeing vocabulary is essential in supporting children, as well as staff, to improve their wellbeing. ‘Circles times and class assemblies’ to discuss these feelings, as well as other topics, will allow children to speak and be heard amongst their peers and staff.
All classes will be able to participate in active lunchtimes twice a week with a qualified sports coach to ensure children have regular breaks from lessons so that they can physically move around and engage with their peers.
Our long-term overview takes in to account learning objectives missed and those that need revising, within this we have referred to the DfE Mathematics Guidance to ensure all pre-requisites are covered during our mathematics lessons where all classes follow the White Rose Maths Scheme.
Maths Guidance
Non-statutory guidance for the national curriulum in England
Reading and Writing
In English our focus will be on structuring cohesive sentences accurately, using accurate punctuation relevant to each year group. Aspects of SPaG have also been identified to be taught through explicit lessons and focused on through scaffolding and writing.
For reading the focus will be on phonic skills and question types so that staff can help the children to analyse the texts in different ways with specific attention paid to the pace of children's reading alongside expression and sight reading skills.