At Tansley Primary school, homework focuses on the learning of, rapid recall and practise to retain number facts as a priority, as these basics underpin the foundation of using all four operations, which are needed to access the entire maths curriculum.
In Reception and Y1 (Oaks) the children are encouraged to use Numbots (see above web links resources) to develop number bonds and facts.
In upper KS1/Lower KS2 ( Y2/Y3 Elms) Pupils are introduced to Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) to begin to learn and practise the times tables appropriate for their age (see Curriculum>timetables). Most children should be coming to the end of the Numbots programme in these year groups.
In Lower and Upper KS2 (Y4,5 & 6 Sycamores and Elders) Pupils will continue on their TTRS journey in preparation for the Year 4 MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) and continue to improve their fluency. Some pupils who have not reached the end of the Numbots programme, will continue to use where appropriate.
These programmes have been designed for children to use them frequently, in short sessions (Ideally10-15 mins approximately 3 times a week, but please feel free to do more than this if you wish). During the TTRS sessions, children are encouraged to play 'Garage' ( a homework non-negotiable which is set by the teacher, based on the results of the previous week's test), 'Studio' (to work on their speed and rock status), and 'Soundcheck' (preparation for the MTC)
Children's successes are celebrated in the achievement assembly on Friday's, where they are awarded their certificate once they have achieved each times table set.
There are also activities on the Home Learning Grids for each term (see class pages) to allow opportunities to develop maths through the wider curriculum and beyond. Parents and pupils are supported in each Maths unit by access to the Maths Knowledge organisers, which can also be found on the relevant class page.
Other homework may be provided from time to time, which can be accessed through the relevant class pages. This is to provide further support, rehearsal, challenge or intervention. Teacher's may also sign post games and activities from the resources and web links above for the same reasons. Children who are in a year group where statutory testing will occur, such as SATS (Y2 & Y6) and the MTC (Y4), are likely to encounter this extra requirement in homework for a short period of time beforehand.
Please also refer to the home-learning policy, Maths Policy and the The times table section under the curriculum tab.
For further information, help or guidance, please refer to your child's class teacher, or the school Maths Lead - Mrs Holloway