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Governing Body Information

Updated 14.02.2025

Governing Body Membership

The governing body comprises 11 members:

3 parent governors, 1 Local Authority governor, 1 Head teacher, 1 Staff Governor and 5 Co-opted governors.

Our Instrument of Governance was reconstituted on 11th November 2014.

Governors can be contacted through the school office:

Tel: 01629 582448

Tansley Primary School,
Gold Hill,

The Clerk is Miss Emily Whitehead who can be contacted at the school office or via

(Her office hours are Wednesday 13:00-16:00 and Thursday & Friday 08:30-16:00.)

The Chair of Governors is Judith Holt

Governing Body Roles and Responsibilities

Our Governing Body works at a strategic level with the Headteacher

The three core functions of our governing body are:

  • Setting vision, ethos and strategic direction, engaging stakeholders, and ensuring statutory duties are met.
  • Holding the headteacher to account for teaching, achievement, behaviour and safety; challenging and strengthening leadership; contributing to school self-evaluation.
  • Ensuring financial solvency and probity with effective management of financial resources, including the Pupil Premium, to raise standards.

Having received guidance from the headteacher as the lead professional, our governors make decisions that:

  • Focus on raising standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning, so that pupils achieve to their potential;
  • Focus on what they want the school to achieve (the vision), and make plans to get there;
  • Ensure that all those who have an interest in the success of the school contribute when the values and aims are being agreed;
  • Ensure ‘safeguarding is always a priority
  • Ensure ‘best value’ for money


Our Governing body works with the headteacher, staff and visit school to help monitor the Quality of Education.

This may include

  • examining evidence / information to show what progress has been made towards strategic priorities and targets in the School Improvement Plan, and the implementation of policies
  • benchmarking the school’s performance

This helps our governors to ask questions and make judgements:

  • are pupils doing better than expected given their previous attainment?
  • is the school adding value?
  • have the actions taken had sufficient impact on the quality of education and how do we know?

To achieve this our Governing Body, receive regular reports from the Headteacher, work with the school staff, visit the school and have links with pupils, parents and the local community. 

Governor Meetings

We hold 6 full governing body meetings a year, one each term.

Named Governors

We have named governors who have responsibility for key areas such as safeguarding, anti-bullying, health and safety, SEND and key areas of the school development plan. Please see the table.

Business and Financial Interests

None for the present Governing Body.

Governor Roles in Other Schools

At present none of our governors are represented in governor roles in other schools.

Resignations in last 12 months:   

Alayne Howard

Sophia Barker

Matthew Baldwin


All school matters should ideally be discussed with the headteacher but if this is not possible you can contact the Chair of Governors Judith Holt via email

For matters of an urgent nature please always contact the school office.